by Dean Gilmour | Mar 5, 2019 | Croydon Junior Football Club
All good things must come to an end .. Our hugely successful SUMMER TRAINING 2018-2019 has now concluded with a great last session with our new local Croydon Mc Donalds sponsor, cranking out a mass of burgers for all our boys and girls .. thanks to Brad and all that helped along the way.. Awesome support from Croydon Mc Donald’s …including generous use of their meeting room, for free, for our committee meetings .. thanks again to Steve and team at Croydon McDonald’s

by Dean Gilmour | Mar 5, 2019 | Croydon Junior Football Club

Season Launch 2019….
What a cracking’ day..
Laugh’s, sweat, snags and good times held by all.. All players in their new training tops looking great !!
CJFC on the move !!!!
by Dean Gilmour | Mar 5, 2019 | Croydon Junior Football Club

The Wear A Mouthguard Sports Van will be attending Croydon Junior Football Club at Barngeong Reserve in Croydon on Thursday 7th of March from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. This is an ultra-convenient and fun way for both juniors and seniors to have your mouthguard fitted.

Check out their website for full details and to download an order form, or visit the Sports Mouthguard Van on the day.

by Dean Gilmour | Mar 1, 2019 | Croydon Football, Croydon Junior Football Club
Season Launch this Sunday..3rd March 2019

Bring a new member to the club..
and they register …
WIN a CJFC jumper!!

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