Welcome to Croydon Junior Football Club Inc.
The Croydon Junior Football Club will always strive to be recognised as a fantastic family club.
Our primary goal is simply to ensure that we do everything we can to ensure every child has fun and enjoys their time in junior football.
Our coaches, committee and helpers will do everything in their power to ensure this goal is reached. While we understand that winning games of football is important, we also recognise that our role in educating and developing all of our players is the main priority.
The children will learn how to play the game but more importantly they will be taught the importance of hard work and the value of playing as a member of a team.
The home of the Croydon Football Club is Barngeong Reserve; located on Bambra St, Croydon. (MAP)
Barngeong Reserve is widely regarded as one of the best junior playing surfaces in the Eastern Football League. Our players have access to two ovals at the reserve for playing and training as well as our recently refurbished change rooms and state of the art digital scoreboard the club is able to provide excellent conditions to allow the kids to enjoy their football development.
We are Croydon Junior Football Club .. We are Family!!
Brad Eley
CJFC President
Club Socks Short Length
$20.00 -
Club Hoodies Navy Blue
$65.00 -
Club Football Shorts – Navy Blue
$45.00 -
Club Sports Bag
$45.00 -
Club Beanie
$25.00 -
Club Polo Shirt
$40.00 -
Puffer Jacket
$85.00 -
Club Training TShirt
$35.00 -
Club Cap
$25.00 -
$30.00 -
Warm Up Top – Personalised – 2024 Special Price
$15.00 -
Tracksuit Pants – Pre Order Now

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